Uma Sekar
Hey readers!!!! Humming Bird is admitted in the ICU :P
Breaking News: Doctors say that she suffers from Serious Blogomania,,,,,
And the doctors also warn the other bloggers to be very carefull. Blogomania has been spreading throughout the world :D (like a swine flu)

Symptoms of Blogomania!!!
  1. They will be always think about the topic on which the blog has to be written irrespective of the place like this
  2. Whatever topic they come across in the surroundings, they will try to put it as a post in the blog.
  3. After the blog is ready they start racking the brain for a catchy title for readers attention.
  4. They keep on posting unlimited personal or general blogs everyday :0)
  5. Mind you they might have a long list on which they have to post. And you people may end up thinking which one to read first. :P
  6. They start to ask their people some suggestions on how to express it(as little miss Humming bird nachifies her sister :D)
  7. They might even have the habit of typing in the air while asleep :P
  8. They use google search like toothbrush everyday to search funny images to post in their blog posts
  9. They will never listen to people's convo rather they search for the topics from the speech and action of the people around them :P
Our little miss Humming Bird is suffering from this disorder :D

Little miss Humming Bird's sister says "But doctor she has not yet started typing in the air while sleeping"
Doc: I see..... Then little miss Humming Bird has not become a freak yet in blogging :)
But better be very carefull..
Sow: How do we cure this??
Doc: hmmm... read all her posts and make her happy:)
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4 Responses
  1. Nice post Uma :)
    Btw,I listened to all your songs.
    Simply awesome.
    Way to go :)
    Keep practising :)

  2. Anonymous Says:

    LOL. ROTFL. This was again good laughter therapy. Happy blogomania. But make sure you do not overcompensate lest it should end up as blogophobia! ;)

    "They use google search like toothbrush everyday to search funny images to post in their blog posts" - this sentence tickled posts especially the "google search" and "toothbrush" connecrion. Ask google if it can brush your teeth too. lol. Will end up saving some time and you can think more about what to blog!

  3. Anonymous Says:

    good work.. building a plot around pictures..

    nice way.. do continue to suffer from blogomania and stay in icu itself..

  4. Uma Sekar Says:

    Sure Sir, I've already requested google to brush my teeth and waiting for their reply :P

    Danke Danke :P U pay my icu bill.. will mail you the bill soon :)

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